Bristol Booking in Forms

We have also had to make changes to our Terms and Conditions, these can be found in the menu above under Events.

Our Auctions have already been using a system to pre-book Auction Lots. This system works well when correctly followed. However, when it isn’t correctly followed it can cause delays to the start of the Auction and a lot of stress to those who have to bring it back on track.

The booking system will now extend to Livestock sold through the Sales Table as well as the Auction.
When you pre-book your Auction and Salestable livestock, it solves many issues and headaches for us as organisers of the event. The first thing it does is allow us sufficient time to populate the Auction and Sales Table spreadsheets so we can record all the sales.
Don’t worry, we fully appreciate looking at your aquariums and making your list of Auction lots and Sales table items for pre-booking and going to catch them on the day are two different things. There will be time for you to confirm and where necessary amend your Auction lot and Sales table items on the day of the auction (Please give us the time to do this without delaying the auction).

The Auction is for fish only.
You are allowed a maximum of 50 Auction Lots. This is an auction for livebearing species predominently, therefore, we must limit your non-livebearers offered at auction to a maximum of 20% of your Auction Lots.

(Unless agreed with the Auction Manager before hand).

You are allowed to enter a maximum of 25 livestock Sales table items, this includes Shrimp, Snails and fish (all acceptable species of fish allowed including non-livebearers). It May be possible to sell any unsold Livestock from the Sales Table during natural breaks in the Auction (this is dependant on time constraints).
All livestock items
MUST be booked in.

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