Please read our terms and Conditions before entering fish into the Auction or Sales table

Auction Terms and Conditions

Sales Table
Working on a ‘bring and buy’ format, please bring you unused tanks and equipment, excess plants,shrimp, snails and fish to be sold on the Sales table. for those who wish to sell Livestock, Sellers letters are available through the Booking page.
Livebearer Show
Livebearer show
Two Guppy shows in one. A beginners section where people new to showing guppies can show there fish. Judging will be low key with the best looking fish winning the award.
A expert breeder secion which will be judged to FGUK standards
Q&A/Guest Speaker
We will be holding a Q&A hosted by Shaun Stevens of Tropiquaria. Ask the questions you want to know the answers to, anything from Livebearer husbandry to Livebearer conservation.
Two mini talks will sandwich the the Q&A, the speakers and subjects are TBD, these will be 10 -15 minute duration.
A Livebearer auction with a range of fish not usually found in the in your LFS.
Sellers letters are available for those who wish to sell. See booking in page for more information.
Please note all fishlists must be pre registered, no new lists or sellers on the day.