Shenstone – September 22nd 2024
these fish are expected in the auction, but cannot be confirmed until the day
Updated 13/09/2024
- Allodonichthys polylepis
These are part of the Rotterdam breeding project and have donated to the BLA. The purchaser(s) must agree to being part of this project before the purchase can take place. - Ameca splendens
- Ateniobus toweri. (Lago De Creda)
- Ateniobus toweri
- Chapalichtys pardalis
- Characadon lateralis ( Los Berros)
- Characadon audax ( Guadalope Aguilera)
- Characodon audax (Ojo garabato)
- Neotoca bilineata
- Skiffia multipunctata – Aquarium strain
- Skiffia sp. (Sayula)
- Xenotoca doadroi ‘San Marcos’
- Xentotoca Lyonsi
- Zoogoneticus tequila
- Xiphoporus andersi “la Finca”
- Xiphophorus Cortezi (derek lambert collection)
- Xiphophorus evelynae “Tecolutla“
- Xiphophorus helleri “puente suchilapan“
- Xiphophorus helleri “Yucatan”
- Xiphophorus meyeri
- Xiphophorus milleri
- Xiphophorus montezumae “Tamosopa”
- Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl
- Xiphophorus malinche
- Xiphophorus pygmaus – (males only)
- Xiphophorus xiphidium “Rio Santa Engracia 1979”.
Wild type poecilia
- Giradinus metalicus (males only)
- Girardinus yellow belly
- Girardinus uninotatus
- Limia Grossidens (females only)
- Limia Islai
- Limia melanogaster
- Limia nigrofasciata
- Limia vittata
- neohetrandria elegans
- Poecilia reticulata – Jaguar guppy
- Poecilia reticulata – Catford Guppy (1960)
- Poecilia wingei – campoma bridge n6
- Poecilia wingei – campoma bridge n30
- Phallichthys Tico
- Priapichthys annectens
- Priapella compressa
- Scolichtys iota
Cultivated species
- Bleeding heart platy
- Mixed endlers
- Peacock endlers
- black bar endlers
- Jade Guppies
- RREA guppies
- Mosaic guppies
- Vienna Super Red Swordtails
- Berlin Swordtails
Other cultivated livebearers
- Black Mollys
Non Livebearer species
- Ancistrus – Gold
- Ancistrus – LDA16 (red/black calicao)
- Betta imbellis
- Corydorac aeneus – Bronze
- Corydoras CW10 – Gold Laser
- Gold Danios
- Zebra Danios
- Galaxy rasbora
- Red Whiptails
- Super Red Ancistrus
- Lemon Ancistrus
- Emerald eye rasbora
- Cherry Shrimp
- Gold shrimp